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Is Your Houston Home Alarm Monitoring System Still Working After the Analog Cellular Sunset?

Although there has been much press about the impending transition from analog-to-digital television broadcasting, the transition of wireless telephone service to a digital signal occurred earlier this year without much fanfare or media attention. As of midnight February 18, 2008, all cellular telephone companies were required to provide their customers with digital service. While most wireless telephone users were not affected by this transition (often called the “analog cellular sunset”) many individuals with home monitoring security alarm systems are currently having problems.

The majority of home security alarm systems in the United States are hard wired to telephone lines so they were not affected by the transition. However, according to the Security Industry Association (SIA) around a half a million homes and businesses nationwide have analog wireless alarm connections. These homes use an analog 800 MHz wireless radio signal to connect the home to the alarm company’s central monitoring station. If a consumer currently has a home security system that uses an analog alarm radio, the home monitoring system is essentially useless because the central monitoring station cannot be notified when the alarm is activated during a fire, burglary or emergency.

The number of homeowners in Houston with analog wireless connections is unknown, so the SIA is advising consumers to check with their Houston home security provider to ensure continuation of service. Houston home alarm company provider,Safeguard Home Security, took initiative on their own regarding the analog cellular sunset date and replaced all of their customers’ analog radios with up-to-date digital radios before the February 18th deadline. However, not all alarm companies have taken the precaution and care that Safeguard has. If you, or someone you know, has an alarm that is not monitored by Safeguard Home Security please have them check with their Houston security system provider to ensure continuation of service. Wireless alarm systems installed before spring 2006 generally use analog equipment. In many cases, if you have an analog alarm radio that has not been replaced and the analog wireless network stops operating, the radio will emit a “beep” or warning tone.

If you are experiencing any problems with a back-up radio or with your home alarm system, please don't hesitate to contact the licensed professionals at Safeguard Home Security at 1-800-785-6488. For business owners and consumers who have not heard from their alarm company and believe their alarm system relies on an analog wireless radio, in most cases Safeguard Home Security can upgrade and monitor your existing alarm system. If you have a question about what type of alarm system is installed in your home, a Safeguard professional can also help determine that information. For more information go to

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