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Estimating home constructions costs

Home building construction cost estimator & calculator

caveat lector! (reader beware!)

The home building construction cost estimator & calculator only gives you an estimate. Because there are so many variables that affect cost for accuracy you will require detailed plans and the services of a quantity surveyor or licensed builder. But when making "back-of-an-envelope" preliminary estimates the method used below, or some variation thereof, is what is used by building professionals. Note that renovations can be extremely difficult to estimate and the figures given by this estimator might be far too high or low.

Also note that the default per-square-metre costs used in this estimator applies best to the Central Coast of NSW (Australia), but if you speak to a few building professionals in your area you should be able to determine reasonable per-square metre base costs for your own location and requirements.

.... for the rest of this article's content  you will have to go to our construction cost  estimator.

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