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The residential design and construction process

The residential design & construction process

Most people do not experience the design and construction process more than a few times in their lifetime and the processes are constantly changing but the drawing production process and council preparation stays the same.

Step 1. The initial consultation

At this first meeting the architect/building designer (designer) and you the client will discuss all your thoughts in relation to your development eg. size, types of spaes how you anticipate these spaces will feel.....

Service fees and what they include will also be discussed at this time and a fee proposal as well as a Client Brief and a contract will be sent to your after the meeting

Step 2. Site Analysis

The building designer/architect will analyse your site verbally and/or proide a written report (if you can not be present) and discuss with you the restrictions and assets of your property. This portion of the service is not only valuable to people that have already purchased a property but also to people that are in the process of buying and that have not yet exchanged contracts, as we can discuss issues such as sun orientation verses street face verses outside living and how these factors affect greatly on the quality of living for that particular property. The analysis will also consider such things as wind direction, tree shadowing and many other factors that seem to go unnoticed when purchasing property.

Step 3. Initial Design

The Initial Design process includes council and other government body research as well as the study of your requirements - where sketch design drawings are produced and discussed with you prior to developing the design. See Designing Your Own Home for further informtion on this stage. The drawings produced at this stage are minimal but should include all floor plans and some elevations or a three dimensional rendering of the proposed building.

Step 4. Developed Design

This stage sees your sketch design drawings developed into a house you should be very happy with - if not you will need to discuss further changes with you designer - most designers allow 2 major sessions of changes in their contract. Once you are happy with the design your drawings will be developed to working drawings that will have loads of information on them including notes and dimensions.

Step 5. Working Drawings

During this stage detailed drawings will be produced that will be used for your council Developement Application (DA) as well as for construction. You may also need to produce other reports with your DA to council such as a Statement of Environmental Effects, BASIX Report, Waste Management Report, Site Analysis Plans, Geotechnical Report, Landscape Plan, Flora and Fauna Report and Fire Report - check with your local council.

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