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Are You Facing Foreclosure? Real Advice On How To Deal With And Avoid Foreclosure!

At we answer countless calls, and show up at many houses where homeowners who are facing foreclosure are not sure or understand what is happening to them, and more importantly, what to do about it! If you are falling behind on your mortgage payments and are getting letters and phone calls from your lender(s) asking you to contact them, then here are a few tips for dealing with foreclosure.


You have options at this point and by ignoring the problem you are making it more and more difficult to negotiate a work-out plan (forbearance agreement) with your lender(s). The further behind you become the chances you will lose your home increases.


Do you have any equity in your house that you are trying to protect? This is the golden question and is not always easy to answer. Many of us created HUGE equity when the housing market went nuts in 2004-2005. Unfortunately many of us did not sell during that time and instead refinanced and stripped the equity from our house! Two things are happening today….one, prices are falling and therefore our equity is disappearing, and two, we have overleveraged our houses and already spent the money.

If you evaluate your situation and realize that you do have significant equity in your home, you actually have some really good options! You could list your home with a highly skilled and determined Realtor that uses strategic pricing and strong marketing to sell your home before you go to foreclosure. Or, you could contact a company like and sell your house within 3 days with no Realtor fees, repairs needed, closing costs, or hassles!

If you evaluate your situation and realize that you do not have any equity in your home, a Short Sale is a great option for avoiding foreclosure and if you CLICK HERE, we will explain the ins and outs of this amazing exit strategy!


First, you want to try every available means to stopping your foreclosure before you decide to sell your house quickly. Contact for some great foreclosure advice. You can also visit for more free advice. While we agree that these government services are great for some homeowners, they are not always able to act in the speed you might need to avoid foreclosure. Depending on your equity position, you can also:

SELL YOUR HOUSE FOR CASH: Maybe you are currently FACING FORECLOSURE or have other financial pressures and are forced to sell your house quickly. It can take 3...6...9 months or more to sell the traditional way, and there is no guarantee you will sell fast enough before the auction takes place. Whatever your reason is for needing to sell quick for cash, we have the cash available, and the team of experts in place to close in as little as 3 days. We buy homes all over the Phoenix Metro area and can buy yours too!

SELL YOUR HOUSE FOR CASH AND RENT IT BACK: There are many reasons why you would want to sell your house to us and keep living in it. Financial pressures, a difficult divorce, a pending foreclosure are just a few of the many reasons you may need to sell quickly. This option is perfect for anyone that says "I want to sell my house fast" but does not want to move out yet. You can rent your home back for as little or as long as you wish and the best part is we will always structure the deal at very competitive market rent rates.

SELL YOUR HOUSE FOR CASH, RENT IT BACK WITH AN OPTION TO BUY AT A PRE-DETERMINED PRICE: If outside circumstances have forced you to sell your home without you wanting to move, we can create a plan with a short-term rental, or long-term rental that has an option to buy-back the home at a pre-determined price. This allows you to get quick cash for your house, continue living in it, and buy it back for less than market value while saving most of your hard earned equity. This is a great option if you believe your situation is only temporary and you will want to continue owning your home in the future once your finances get stronger! The best part of this deal is all of our rental rates, and buy back options are set up fairly with the price agreed upon in advance.

If you do not have any equity, you can:

NEGOTIATE A SHORT SALE WITH YOUR LENDER: A Real Estate Short Sale refers to a lender(s) accepting a sales price that is less than what is currently owed plus all related sales expenses. This is common in a declining housing market and can be a win-win for both the bank and the homeowner. Normally a bank will begin to look at the short sale option only if the homeowner is behind on payments and begins to face foreclosure. This option is great if you have no equity and can find a skilled Realtor or Investment Company that understands how to negotiate through the short sale process.


If a company is sending you letters, calling you on the phone, or showing up on your doorstep and is promising to stop the foreclosure auction if you sign some paperwork, more than likely they are trying to take advantage of your situation and steal your equity. The most common scam in the foreclosure industry is where a fast talking person shows up with a lot of paperwork saying that he was sent there by your lender(s) and can stop the auction and refinance your home if you sign all the documents. What you are unaware of is within all those documents, is a purchase contract, and the deed to your house! Before you know what has happened, the so called representative is gone and you no longer own the equitable rights to your home. They then go out and use someone with good credit to pull cash out of your house and vanish without a trace! Follow the links for other well known foreclosure scams. The more you know and understand, the less likely you will ever fall into one of these traps!

If you would like to learn more about our company and the options we could provide you in this temporary time of financial need, please contact us anytime. Our consultations are always free and there is never any obligation to use us.

We are so confident in our abilities, that we share who our competition is on our “Who We Are” page for you to comparison shop. One of our Home Buying Specialists is waiting for your call!

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