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Computer Forensics - Catch A Cheating Spouse

Computer Forensics - Catch A Cheating Spouse

How can I catch a cheating spouse or boyfriend?  This is the most frequently asked question among private investigators.  In nearly every case, a computer is the key to gathering intelligence information.  A process called Computer Forensics can actually recover files deleted from your computer YEARS AGO!  Much to the amazement of countless criminals, cheating spouses, and crooked accountants…deleting files from your computer does NOT remove them from your hard drive!

If you want to launch a serious in-depth investigation into the inner workings of your scouse/significant other’s life then we suggest a computer forensic analysis.

How much does this cost?  It depends on the size of your hard drive.  You should be prepared upwards of  $2,000.00 to get a complete and professional analysis.

Can the results be used in court? Yes, we testify as expert witnesses.  The process, called Electronic Discovery, is accepted as courtroom worthy all the way up to the United States Supreme Court.

For more information on Computer Forensics or a Virginia Private Investigator visit or

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