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Adsense Click Fraud

Adsense Click Fraud

Are you worried about "click fraud"? If not, you should be! Even the most innocent of actions could entice Google™ to terminate your account.

Imagine this scenario:
Someone (unknown to you) is looking for timber flooring. They visit your website where you have some information about this subject, as well as some Google Adsense ads. They don't see what they want on your page, but they see some very interesting ads. So they click the first one. Nope, nothing there. Back to your page to click another interesting ad. Let's say they click several ads in a very short space of time and do not stay at the destination website very long at all. This may be enough to flag the actions as suspicious, or even fraudulent - unbeknown to the innocent "clicker", as well as you.

Scenario two:
Your competitor doesn't like you so they click ad after ad after ad. Besides telling you what sort of person they are, this can get you banned as well.

Google™ has it's own way of detecting fraud, or invalid clicks, but knowledge is power, so why not see who is doing what on your valuable Adsense pages?

Fear not - help is here in the guise of a very simple to install and use program.

I urge everyone who has any Google Adsense™ ads to install AdLogger. It's free, very easy to setup and use, and very, very effective. It will tell you from what IP addresses your clicks come from, what pages the ads appear on, what the destination address is, and, the most important feature, enable you to block certain IP addresses or even ranges. You can even use it to block yourself to prevent "accidental" clicks.

You can find out more about
AdLogger from here, or if you need to have it installed and setup, please ask us about pricing (the software is distributed for free under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, however we bill you only for time we spend setting it up for you).

If you do not have a website design making money you today, talk to us about creating an optimised, Adsense enabled wen site so you can start making the bucks!

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