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Real Estate Marketing Tools: The Most Powerful Tool of All

Do you know what the most powerful real estate marketing tool is? Here's a hint. You see it every time you look in the mirror. That's right, it's you. As a knowledgeable real estate agent, you are your most powerful tool for real estate marketing.

Real Estate Marketing Tools Exposed
A lot of companies clamor about the "power" of their real estate marketing tools, as if you simply have to turn them on and let them boost your business. This is practically what some companies claim. Do I exaggerate? Only a little. I can think of one such product off the top of my head (name withheld of course), and the pitch goes something like this: "Our revolutionary software will launch your real estate business into the stratosphere."

The stratosphere? Wow, that sounds fantastic. But you'll notice there's a critical ingredient missing from the above statement. You! You're the most powerful real estate marketing tool you own, whether you realize it or not. So the stratosphere claim would be more truthful if it added the words "will help you" ... as written below:

"Our revolutionary software will help you launch your real estate business into the stratosphere."

That's more accurate, because now the advertising claim includes you. And you are by far the most important part of the equation.

You Are Your Best Marketing Tool
The point I'm making is simply this. If you shop for a real estate marketing tool to take your business to the next level, you are going to be disappointed. Real estate marketing starts with great services and big ideas. The "tools" are just a way to communicate those services and ideas to your audience.

Top 5 Real Estate Marketing Tools
You are your best tool for real estate marketing. We've covered that one. So what are some other top tools? Here are four more tools successful real estate marketers usually have in common.

1. You - Which we've covered already.

2. Persistence - Repetition is a big part of real estate marketing. You try a certain strategy, see how it works, modify it as needed, repeat it again, etc. This requires patience and persistence. Make sure you have these things before you try any form of marketing.

3. Imagination - Without imagination, you have no hope but to copy the marketing programs of other real estate agents. Mimicry will only get you so far, especially if you're copying a marketing strategy that's already being used in your area. Only imagination can help you find the next big idea in real estate marketing. And only big ideas can produce big results.

4. Adaptability - Methods of communication change constantly. The Internet has opened up a whole new world of possibilities. For example, look at the current rise of real estate blogs we are witnessing. As the communication landscape changes, you must be able to change with it. You must be able to adapt to new mediums and methods. So make sure adaptability is part of your real estate marketing toolkit.

5. Enthusiasm - Whether you realize it or not, communicating with potential clients (and current clients) is a big part of your marketing program. When you communicate with professionalism and enthusiasm, your message becomes contagious. People will help you spread your message without even being asked.

What do all of these real estate marketing tools have in common? For one thing, you can't buy them in a store or online. You're either born with them, or you work hard to acquire them along the way. But the good news is, you have the most powerful marketing tool already ... you have yourself. Everything else can be learned.

Marketing books, software, websites, ads and the like can help you grow your business. There's no doubt about that. But they are only a medium between you and your audience. These things can move your marketing program along, but the program itself has to start with you.

You are your best tool for real estate marketing. You always have been, and you always will be.

* You may republish this article online if you retain the author's byline and the active hyperlinks below.

About the Author
Brandon Cornett is the founder of, which is a helpful real estate marketing tool in its own right. For more real estate marketing advice, visit the author at

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