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AR-Environmental | Asbestos Inspection Contractor

AR-Environmental | Asbestos Inspection Contractor

What We Do!

AR- Environmental is the agency where we provide solutions related to asbestos issues. As a licensed company, we deal with both friable and non-friable asbestos. Our company offers home asbestos inspection before the removal process. Moreover, our professionals provide residential, commercial, decontamination, soil, and more services. We ensure that our team works together and ensures that every job is accomplished with high quality and standard. With the help of 3D imaging technology, even complex removal is done safely. So, send us an email, and our experts will revert regarding your asbestos and soil removal.

Our Services

Phone: 394354511

About AR-Environmental | Asbestos Inspection Contractor

AR- Environmental is the agency where we provide solutions related to asbestos issues. As a licensed company, we deal with both friable and non-friable asbestos. Our company offers home asbestos inspection before the removal process. Moreover, our professionals provide residential, commercial, decontamination, soil, and more services. We ensure that our team works together and ensures that every job is accomplished with high quality and standard. With the help of 3D imaging technology, even complex removal is done safely. So, send us an email, and our experts will revert regarding your asbestos and soil removal.

Our Location:

Melbourne, 3083 AU

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